Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

By applying for membership. Membership is dependent on certain criteria that can be ascertained by writing to the Regional Secretary – India at

An Associate member institution is one whose application to the Asia Theological Association for membership has been approved and accepted, but whose programmes have not been evaluated or accredited. An accredited member institution is one that has had one or more of its programmes evaluated and accredited.

Associate member institutions in India are included on the mailing list of the India chapter, are invited as observers to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the heads of member institutions each year, are entitled to receive two issues per year of the Journal of Asian Evangelical Journal and a copy of any other publication of the ATA released in a given year, and to take advantage of any other services rendered to member institutions (like workshops or seminars).

Associate members are expected to pay the annual membership fee, attend at least one of the AGMs held in the first two years of membership, and to submit an aAnnual rReport in the required format. [This may be obtained by writing to the Regional Secretary – India at] Further, Associate member institutions are expected to move towards getting one or more of their programmes evaluated and accredited within the first two years of membership, failing which, their membership will be regarded as having lapsed, and they will have to apply for an extension of membership. Membership will be withdrawn if any institution does not fulfill its responsibilities as a member or is found misusing its membership in any way.

Institutions affiliated to an ATA member institution have the status of study centres but will not be given any recognition by the Asia Theological Association unless they have been included in the evaluation process of the programmes offered by the member-institution.

Asia Theological Association is one of eight regional accrediting agencies worldwide that are members of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE), which is a global partner of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). So its accreditation is given due recognition by member-institutions of sister regional agencies. For further information, visitthe ICETE website at or the WEA website at

How To Become A Candidate Member Of Asia Theological Association (ATA)

To become an Accredited Member of Asia Theological Association (ATA), the first step towards getting their program/s evaluated, is to become an Candidate Member of ATA.

Candidate Membership is a process to determine if the educational programs meet the defined standards of quality required by the Asia Theological Association (ATA).

Institutions that would like to become a Candidate Member of ATA, must submit an application through email to the Regional Secretary-India and once the request for membership is accepted, the office will send the procedures and the required documents to be filled-up.

The Institutions are required to submit the Application and the Institutional Fact Sheet along with necessary documents, such as,

  • A cover letter requesting that your application be considered for membership which must include a resolution of your governing body stating that it has approved the move to seek membership with ATA.
  • A letter from the head of an institution that has its program(s) accredited by ATA stating that s/he has visited your institution and recommends your institution for Candidacy status.
  • An application fee of Rs. 6000.00 (non-refundable), either by Cheque or Bank transfer to Asia Theological Association – India.

Once the ATA India office receives these documents and finds them satisfactorily completed, one of the ATA India staff will be deputed to make a Preliminary visit and make a recommendation.

The application with recommendation will then be forwarded to the Managing Committee for ratification and upon their approval, an official letter from ATA will be sent to your institution.

Upon receipt of the letter, the institution will have to pay the candidacy fee and as a Candidate Member, the profile of your institution will be posted on the ATA (India) website and will be included on our mailing list, and will be entitled to avail of all our services to our members, of which you will be informed from time to time.

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